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Gaining Inner Trust and Overcoming Self-Doubt

Your Inner Dreams are Calling You. 7 Strategies to Heed the Call.

You have a vision, a goal you’ve aspired to achieve for a while now, but you lack the self-confidence to achieve it.

Self-doubt puts you on the sidelines, sitting on the bench watching others build their dreams.

Unlike confidence, which feels like a warrior- back straight, chest out, and shoulders broad, self-doubt feels like a rattlesnake slithering up your spine, taking respite in your thoughts.

The beast will have you questioning your abilities, decisions, and maybe even your intrinsic worth.

However, there are effective strategies to slay self-doubt and strengthen confidence. No matter where you find yourself in life, achieving the status of a gladiator is attainable.

1. Evaluate Your Negative Beliefs

When faced with the nagging grip of self-doubt, a proactive approach is to challenge your negative beliefs.

Are they real, or have they been inherited from the experiences and perceptions of others?

People often project their emotions onto those around them. Therefore, consider whether the sound bites of self-doubt are yours or echoes of other people’s failures, fears, and insecurities.

By critically evaluating where your negative beliefs come from, you can begin to dispel self-doubt.

It’s very possible your self-doubt is a programming from your environment.

Is your self-doubt a result of past failures or are your failures a result of self-doubt?

Ahh, that will give you something to ponder over for a bit!

2. Reframe Your Errors as Lessons

Self-doubt feeds on mistakes and the fear of making more. However, an effective strategy is to see them as learning experiences.

Recognize your mistakes and actively seek insights on how you can improve. But do this constructively.

After a lousy day, don’t dwell over your errors with a cocktail, replaying the scenario in your head a hundred times. Take proactive steps like writing them down and engaging in brainstorming sessions.

What did you learn? What could you have done better?

While brainstorming alone is effective, sharing your concerns with others can offer fresh perspectives and insights into overlooked areas.

Engaging in this practice will give you a superpower. You now have the ability to change the future. Your mistake has become a BIG WIN.

3. Focus on your Strengths!

To dismantle the grip of self-doubt, consciously focus on your strengths. Start by creating a list of your accomplishments, regardless of how trivial they may seem.

Your list doesn’t have to include grand achievements; it could be as modest as demonstrating patience while teaching a child how to tie their shoes.

Reflect on times when you’ve shown compassion by lending a listening ear to someone in need or when you’ve taken the initiative to learn a new skill, no matter how small.

Identify areas where you excel or exceptional characteristics you possess, even if you haven’t received any awards, compliments, or acknowledgments from others.

4. Embrace Vulnerability

Another strategy for building confidence and dismantling self-doubt is the art of risk-taking.

Taking risks is scary, I know. We all like familiarity, but confidence thrives in the face of challenges and risks.

You must step out of your comfort zone.

By confronting uncertainties, you demonstrate courage and build resilience. The experiences gained by taking risks become the building blocks for trusting in yourself.

5. Be Conscious of Your Environment

Our closest companions influence our thoughts, behaviors, and overall outlook on life.

Jim Rohn famously said,

‘You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.’

Other people fail, it’s true, but that is no proof that you will.

By actively engaging with and learning from successful individuals, you draw inspiration. Their triumphs ARE evidence that you, too, can succeed.

Learn from them. Pay close attention to how they speak and notice their posture.

Do they stand with the confidence of a warrior? Do they exude self-assurance when they walk into a room?

These are the people you want to hang out with!

6. Claim Your LIFE!

And remember this: you owe no one! You are not obligated to fulfill someone else’s dreams or desires they have for you.

Also, you’re not here to build someone else’s empire — that’s akin to slavery.

Far too many individuals abandon their vision of success, tirelessly working to enrich others while receiving little in return. They often retire with their dreams still burning within them, yet too exhausted to pursue them.

Desires stem from inspiration, which translates to being ‘in spirit.’ Never ignore the yearnings of your heart. Your dreams wouldn’t exist if your spirit hadn’t ignited them within you.

7. Step Back into Your Past

When you were a baby, you had the self-confidence to get up and attempt walking. First you crawled, then you grabbed on to things for a boost up, next you took that step. Most likely you fell down- but that didn’t stop you.

You incarnated into the world with confidence.

You were born innocent, and strong- but no one ever told you.

You were born with divine guides and ancestors to guide you, hold you, push you and whisper in your ear, ‘You got this.”

The problem is someone told you that was fantasy.

Thea-lover of all things magical

Unlock Your Inner Gladiator! Transform Self-Doubt into Confidence with Hypno-Tapping. Inquire more about Hypno-Tapping sessions with me here.


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