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Loving It!


You may have heard the expression, “Do what you love, love what you do" or 'be thankful for what you have"? I do agree with both of these statements, but what if you are not doing what you love because of circumstances beyond your control? Or what if you really love fishing but you haven't had a chance to go in ages? It is kind of hard to be thankful for fishing trips when you can't remember the last time you took one. Quotes are nice, when they work. How about this one, "Live in the moment" That is another great piece of advice. I find when I don't fret over the past, or worry about the future, then I am at peace, but what if the moment sucks? It happens and you know it! Sure at any given moment you can be thankful for something. The fact that you are alive and breathing might be a good place to start, or that you have a home and clothes on your back.There is always something to be grateful for. YES? But I am thinking love and gratitude are not always wrapped in every moment of every day.It is time to get real here, or you will wind up grumpy wondering why you are not living in bliss, loving what you do and being grateful. I am spiritual, I am a believer, I do have faith but I have also had some horrific circumstances show up in my life and i am betting you did too. Maybe you are in one right now! Ok, but here's a cliche for that...."Everything happens for a reason" Get this quote by Friedrich Nietzsche. "To live is to suffer, to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering. I don't know about you, but I would prefer to skip the suffering. Where am I going with all this? Not really sure. I think I woke up pissed off because I have recently been screwed out of some major money. At first I did the forgiveness and compassion route, then i realized, Shit, this isn't cool. I am mad and I have a right to be mad. I can either stew about it or get going and turn it into a good thing. So I decided I am going to do what I love. I am going to Barnes and Noble. I am going to have a deliciously brewed cup of coffee. I am going to write. Then, I am going to go see my sons for a late lunch Tonight I am going for a walk in the woods. I am going to make a healthy dinner and enjoy every bite without rushing or worrying about what I have on my to do list. I am going to be GRATEFUL that I can now cut this person out of my life, without guilt and I can now spend some more time doing what I LOVE to do. See how that all worked out? Life is funny, isn’t it? Today I ask that you do at least one thing that YOU LOVE to do and while you are doing it, be GRATEFUL for the moment, because it doesn't always look pretty. Blessings, Thea

Thea Williams is a teacher, speaker and author.

Her curriculum vitae includes Bachelors in Metaphysical Science, Master Practitioner and Instructor of Integrated Energy Therapy, Certified ThetaHealer, and Initiation of Kriya Yoga by Roy Eugene Davis

Visit her site at

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